


You want to standout from the rest, but you don't want to brutally compete. You want to have an edge about you that no one else has, but also want to encourage originality in others. You want to have a firm belief in your 'why' so that when people ask you 'why?' you can give a precise answer. You want to be sharp, but not so sharp in your delivery that it cuts people out - I'm talking the type of sharp that gets the attention & excitement of people passing by. You want your product to be attractive, like I'm talking so attractive so that people notice that it is unlike anything that they have ever seen. You want your product to be something of high demand - so high in demand that it is part of ones daily life in some way shape or form. You want influence - but not the type of influence that blows your head up to the size of a football stadium - you want influence in order to revolutionise & communicate a specific message that humanity craves yet cannot attain apart from what you have to offer. You want to relate to ALL - in fact - you NEED to. Your product needs to be relevant, yet adaptable. You need to figure out what people want - then you need to go above and beyond their expectations. 

If you're anything like me starting out, quite literally, square one, then I'd like to think that I'm brave enough to pursue the dream and create the vision so much so that I am able to generate such a description as I have above. Anything less than that would feel mediocre and second best. Business seems to be tricky business - ha. But if others can - I can. It's going to take hard work, dedication, discipline, and will require unbridled passion (my two new fave married words I read in Lisa Messengers book Daring & Disruptive.)

Some questions I'm considering in my quest to narrow down the paths I take in the future:
1. What will give my product/service/ideas/dreams/business edge?
2. Why does it give it edge?
3. Is there a need for it - what does humanity lack that I can bring to the table?

What will my, and more importantly, what will your edge be? 

Jemimah Ana |



I'm day 10 into my interstate move and adventure of a lifetime. I haven't started my new job yet, so, of course, I have plenty of thinking time. Some friends & family helped us make the move into the apartment awesome, then the friends left, and now it's "rubber hits the road", "reality time", "real life", "oh crap I'm an adult" time. 

Today is the first day I've felt somewhat "comfy". I woke. I ate. I watched tele, I cleaned, I washed, I cooked lunch, I face timed, I walked to the beach, I edited photos, I read, and now I'm writing this. As soon as I was into my photo editing my eyes began bulging out of my eyes with excitement. 

I am blessed to have one of my best friends aka my legendary roomie to walk this journey with. It's the people most often than not that can make any foreign place feel like home.

Best thing is, I wouldn't want it any other way. I keep reminding myself that 8months ago I was wanting adventure, change, a life of risk, a life of faith, a desire to be uncomfortable. Because my life was somewhat easy, work was easy, life was easy. I didn't feel challenged. I didn't feel out of my depth, and in order to grow beyond the now we need to grow beyond our safe place and get into deeper waters.

Taking things a day at a time means that you take one step closer to feeling at home, and feeling comfortable. A step closer to walking inside the doors of comfort. It won't be long before I'm comfortable again... Then I'll be waiting for the next season of being way outside comforts door. It's ok to be comfortable, being comfortable isn't bad, it's just that sometimes it can leave us feeling empty, bored, and wanting more. 

I know my roots will grow deep. A brand new friend of mine said to me last night in conversation "don't worry, your roots will grow deep, even though you feel like you've been uprooted, before you know you'll look back in six months time and realise you're deep in the soil and things will sprout up." 

That statement will uphold me for a long time... Don't worry you'll sink in sure enough and things will feel even more right then ever. Things feel right now, but I can't wait wait for it to feel even more right!!






Now, I know the photos to follow in this post have nothing to do with water or sailing as such.. I just felt that the intro quote was appropriate for the grandness of what I saw one morning watching the sunrise over the mountains in Canberra (Namadgi National Park & Corin Dam). In the metaphorical sense of the words above, I felt as though my soul and spirit had done just that when I was amongst the mountains that day. I caught the wind in my sails and discovered.. Even when editing the photos I was in awe. Photographs can really speak to people in quite miraculous ways. Especially in my case, a photograph takes me to places I am yet to see and discover. It can represent a hope, or a promise of what's to come.

My mind has been cast to mountain scapes lately. So getting to do this shoot on a crisp 1 degree Saturday morning feat a 6 AM wake up was well worth it. Now that I've experienced this scenery, I'm itching to travel more and see more mountains around Australia, and double itchy to go to Canada during snow season. I get goosebumps just staring at the photo above.. Small little me staring at these enormous scenes causes me to believe the impossible. My faith rises. Hope grows. My sight is cast beyond the valley to the very tip of those hills.

If you can believe the impossible can be possible than stand firm on that and don't sway away from it. That dream to one day own your own business - it can, and will happen. That idea that dropped in your mind a few months back - yes, it can come to life. That dream job you're hoping to get - yes you can get it. That desire, or thing, or need, or want that you have deep within you - it can belong to you. Your faith can move mountains. Commit to the journey required to get you there and bite at it a little bit each day.

Staring at this scenery all fear within me immediately ceases. Like c'mon! If this place can grow and abide and flourish the way it does than nothing is impossible! I have a moment of fear and anx almost everyday but I've learnt to override it with faith. Good days and bad days come, and I'm thankful we have a mix of the two because the bad ones always teach you to be thankful. 

So may your faith rise, your fear disappear, and your hope remain sure in the fact that nothing is impossible in your life. EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER... IT WILL REVOLUTIONISE EVERYTHING.

Jemimah Ana ✌️



The end of my HSC was approaching all those many five & a bit years ago, and you all know that dreaded, but somehow unavoidable, and somewhat fair question that I am about to be asked by people once they realise I am about to finish school... Yep... You have answered it all on your own haven't you? If you haven't guessed it by now... Ok I'll just tell you... "OH WOW SO WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NEXT YEAR?!"

As the years go by and school becomes a distant memory, I can't help but remember the amount of times I was asked that. Chances are you too were asked this question. Or, you're reading this and are still in school, but don't worry you'll get asked the very same question. I would often get nervous when faced with it. I don't know why really, but I guess it all boils down to the very thing we all have been faced with at some point in our lives. The need to impress those before us. Am I right or am I right?

It is a humbling thing to say that to this day because most of us fight it. It's admitting that, yeah, I want people to be impressed with how I decide to step into my "adult years" - the year that could potentially "make or break" the rest of my life (pfffftttt yeah right). One of my goals with this starting this blog was to shine light on how I got to where I am - how I've had to fight. Fight mentally, emotionally, spiritually, you name it, to allow my head to be in a space where dreams can be a reality, and not just a wish or sigh.

When I finished school, this was (in a tiny nutshell - otherwise I will write a novel), what was to follow - nothing like what I imagined... I had my fair share of setbacks, but none the less each came with a comeback.

I had finished working at a Gloria Jeans, and transferred to another where I was for only two months. Keep in mind I used to be the shy queen. Quiet and afraid to speak up at times. It was assumed I had it all together and knew all their processes. In which I did not. So all in one shift my supervisor grilled me, spoke down to me, told me I was doing it all wrong, and broke me to the point she had no idea I burst into tears while making delicious raisin toast for a customer. I had to breathe a deep breathe, wipe away my tears, and continue working the agonising last couple of hours left on my shift. What hurt the most was I had been there for two months... It took my manager and supervisor two months to tell me I was doing everything wrong. To make it worse, the way I was told was completely unprofessional... just plain rude.

That story is seriously depressing - but you know what is crazy - I write this with a smile on my face, because I want to teach young, potential business owners and entrepreneurs lessons about being a boss. I want to take that story that caused me grief and turn it into a masterpiece. I want to deconstruct it.

You see, what can be a hard lesson and difficult challenge - can sometimes be the greatest thing for us. I want our generation to be the best generation of bosses the world has ever seen. Who doesn't want a boss who encourages, who directs gracefully, and who confronts truthfully yet embraces the journey of growth in another. Work should be fun, no matter how hard or challenging it may be.

As if things couldn't get worse, I couldn't find a job for 9 months after leaving there (I emailed my boss and said "cya later never coming back" - don't recommend that as a form of resignation by the way haha). So I eventually decided to head to TAFE to study the July after school finished. Best decision. I studied Community Services & Counselling. It was interesting. Taught me a lot about people, people skills, understanding people, caring for people, pretty much the good, bad and ugly of humanity. Wanting to establish a business myself - it had laid a good foundation for me in terms of staff and people skills. People are so, soooooo interesting. You meet the ones that revolutionise your life. Then you meet the ones who you wish you could smack sense into. Especially your terrible bosses.

I was at TAFE for two years, eventually got a job at a cafe and cried as I sat in my car after I was given that job. I was at that cafe for 11 months, and yes, of course, my boss was terrible. Barely spoke English. God bless him. He was just plain dodgy, you don't even need to be made bored with the details. After a couple of weeks of transition I got a job where I still am, at a Juice Bar yall! Last year I studied Business & Management at Bedford College. It was a fun year! Plus in between all of this I was a voluntary youth leader for five years up until the end of last year. I have always loved helping people, but didn't know that helping people could look like anything you allowed it to be.

I wouldn't change any of the past five years for anything in the world. That was just the popcorn version. There are many more stories to come in future posts. I feel the past few years led me to this very moment. The lessons. The challenges. The moments of "whyyyyy?". Moments of stress, and worry, and discontent. But also moments of joy, of peace, and knowing that I was exactly where I needed to be the last five years. No where else was I required but there. Every moment. Every breathe. All of it for a greater purpose that I could have never seen the day I stepped out of school after signing out.

It's ok if you don't know what you want to do. You have your whole life to let it unravel. Don't let people put pressure on you. My friend, you do what you need to do to figure out your dreams. It will be hard at times. You will have lightbulb moments, I promise. You will have a moment where it all just drops like gold in that heart and mind of yours. I promise. And if it takes you 20 years - so be it. 

My biggest realisation in it all is that you must pursue the very thing you are passionate about - the very thing you enjoy doing on a daily basis. Next thing to figure out is how you can turn your passion into a force to build & impact humanity in whatever way possible. If a job doesn't exist that encompasses your passions and desires and dreams - then create it. Create a little bit every day until you begin to see it come to life. Before you know - things will align, people will align, dreams align and you realise that all those years were simply years to teach and grow your character.

Keep your day job as long as you need to in order to build the life you want to have. Keep your purpose clear. Envision it. Write it. You've got to start somewhere.

Much lurve.

Jemimah Ana

Photos: Cred to mum for the first selfie. & Sunrise shoot at Coogee on Anzac Day.



I hate mornings. Although I love what they can offer you. So the early morning rise at times is worth the sacrifice. A friend and I rose at 4:45AM on a Tuesday to make it on time for the 6:15AM sunrise. It's disgusting really how early that is (says my single, childless self who will one day laugh at this statement). Like gross. But these images to follow: not gross. 

This post is short and sweet. Dedicated to the time of day that I have a love-hate relationship with. I was buzzing taking, and editing these. 216 photos narrowed down to these few. Yeah, it hurt. 

I took these on my beloved & mildly aged NIKON D60 SLR, my old faithful who sat in its case for far too long. So, I hereby present to you - Bronte Baby. 

There is something magical about the seas whitewash after a wave breaks..

As I looked through the lens I noticed that as the wave curled over the sun would beam through it creating a section in the wave that was as clear as glass.

God bless you Bronte pool.

These following four shots were taken on my iPhone mid DSLR shooting.

Any of these prints are available to frame. All information is on my Facebook page (see link at end of blog) as are the price lists. 

When was the last time you watched the sunrise? Maybe it's time you scouted a good place to watch it, drag some mates along, pack a breakfast, grab yourself a coffee or chai, and took in all the glory that is the rising of the sun. Still blows me away that our world spins constantly between the light of the sun and moon. Like, that is a miracle in and of itself that takes place EVERY SINGLE DAY. Have a glorious Monday night. 


Jemimah Ana.




This post is dedicated to the 'shy' ones, the quiet ones, the introverted ones, the ones who have lived in fear of others for far too many years. You see, I was basically all of the above growing up. Not because my childhood sucked, because it didn't, it could not have been better actually. It was primarily because I for some reason was just, well, a little quieter than others.

For those that know me you'll laugh out loud now. The way I live my life now-a-days is the polar opposite of those things. I discovered something powerful... A fact about life that was shown to me through others... It set me free to be who I truly am. This truth caused me to realise that you & I carry authority in our words, in the way we carry ourselves, and in the way we treat others.

Throughout my school years (K-12) I was really intimidated by others. Always worried if people would like me, or would want to be friends with me. Because of this I would shy away from others, from opportunities, and especially opportunities to be myself. Although when I was around those closest to me, my friends and family, I was loud, inappropriate at times, and full of life. 

To be shy means 'to be nervous or awkward in the presence of others'. It carries with it a lack of comfort. When you're with unfamiliar people or in unfamiliar situations you freak out. I can even go as far to say that a low self-esteem, to some degree, causes us to become shy. I HATE, with a burning passion, the word shy. Why? Because how many times have I myself said I am shy, or, heard others say "oh, I'm really shy that's why..." and it angers me to my bones. Why I would define myself by this word, I do not know.

In my later teen years in high school I heard a mentor of mine say "being shy is selfish, you always think about you, how you look & how others view you..." and for some reason, from that day on, I swore in my heart I would never speak that over my life ever again. Since that moment in my life I gradually began to grow in my confidence and carry myself with an aura of joy and gladness. I wanted to be able to make a fool of myself so that others would be set free to be the same. Like post a photo of me on Instagram pulling the worlds ugliest face I legit couldn't care less. We need more people like this in the world. 

One thing I love about being near the open waters is that I am always reminded how much more life has to offer. My eyes are drawn out and over the horizon, beyond the shoreline... beyond my comfort. The ocean is most definitely not shy. It's wild, it's untamed, it's unpredictable, it's not confined to four walls (it's confined to shorelines lol, rain on the other hand...), and no set of waves or swell is like the one that went before it. The ocean is beautiful yet dangerous in its pursuit. It is unrestricted, yet poised with grace. It frees my soul & my spirit. I want to live my life with the same characteristics. I wish I could hug the ocean & thank it for its inspiration. Gees that would be a sight to see. "Hey guys just here hugging the ocean" (falls straight through the water). I also cannot wait to live near the beach one day... ;) I AM OBSESSED.

Others have shown me through their example that the shy ones need to be shown what it is to live free from fear. I love drawing out the personality from others. I love watching quiet people become a little louder, a little more brave to use their voice and their personality to ensure others feel like they a part of the greater cause. I've had my fair share of being left out and pushed to the side. So I decided I want others to be empowered to realise how great they actually are, and how great their dream is. Don't get me wrong, it is not bad to be a little introverted or lean towards the quiet side, I am talking more about living gripped by fear of others. I admire a quiet confidence. It's shyness that needs encouragement and a little voice saying "come on you can do it!".

Now that I am heading down the path that I am, desiring to grow a business in the years to come, I am so thankful I got over being shy. It's so dumb really. Shyness stinks, it's a lie, it's an unrealistic description of ones character and personality. I didn't change overnight, it was an almost 12+ year journey. Although I wouldn't trade the lesson for anything in the world. I grew up and experienced all of this in order that I now have a nak of allowing others to be set free from this lie we call shy.


Jemimah Ana

(Photos top to bottom: Bondi 1st three, selfie, Vaucluse bays)



When you're just starting out in something and you're trying to get not only your name, but your ideas and your style out there, it can be a challenge to fiercely engage people. They be all like "who the heck is this person, 'meh', don't care, looks lame, looks boring, yeh another classic blogger case etcetera...". Yeah, so, this is basically me in my rawest, and truest form. None of this fake, 'tryna impress errrbody' stuff. I want people to look at this and think to themselves "this woman is different, this woman has a greater purpose than your usual old mate, & this woman isn't afraid to show her actual personality through technology we call social media. So, now I will officially introduce:


This chosen name holds significance for me and I stand on it as it backs my life motto of "why do one thing with your life when you can do all the things you've ever dreamed of doing... Because you CAN!". 

Jemimah (my name) means dove, and Ana (My Mums name) means grace. I thank God my parents named me that - I'm proud of what it represents - as it has definitely helped shape who I am and who I am to become as I grow. So hence why I have named this unknown/risky/anything could happen business venture after just that - Jemimah Ana. Doves are cool, and what better way to live life then live saved by Grace.

I currently have about six big dreams, all of which coincide with each other to some degree. I fully intend for this number to double or triple as I believe the more dreams we have in our heart, the fuller our life is. If you haven't got the picture yet, I am quite the ambitious woman. LOL. I want to be known as one who always took risks...

I am fiercely passionate about photography, home/interior decor & design, fashion styling, and the cafe industry. Those six big dreams all fall under one or more of those categories.

Some days I have little nervous spells of "Oh how will all of these things come to life", & to be honest I'm glad I do, because it screams "I cannot do this on my own, I need HELP!". There is hope in knowing you cannot do these things alone. The beautiful thing about time is that it reveals what is required at the ripe moments in your life.

So, this is a blog... A blog that teaches, that motivates, and gives direction to others wanting simplistic, basic inspiration on PHOTOGRAPHY, FASHION STYLING, HOME/INTERIOR STYLING, CAFE LIVING AND ALL THINGS BUSINESS VENTURES. Here is to 23 years thus far of living, learning and growing. Some of what I have learnt, and come to LOVE with a burning passion in my bones. 

My posts will come once every 7 or so days... I am all in for this, love it or leave it. I've learnt you cannot impress everyone, and you must not EVER hold back on pursuing your dreams because you think people won't like it. I did for years. And I wish I didn't. I genuinely hope I am able to see people step into their dreams and passions because they have stumbled upon a Jemimah Ana post, as my gifts are not for me, but for others, so here goes.

Peace out hombres