

When you're just starting out in something and you're trying to get not only your name, but your ideas and your style out there, it can be a challenge to fiercely engage people. They be all like "who the heck is this person, 'meh', don't care, looks lame, looks boring, yeh another classic blogger case etcetera...". Yeah, so, this is basically me in my rawest, and truest form. None of this fake, 'tryna impress errrbody' stuff. I want people to look at this and think to themselves "this woman is different, this woman has a greater purpose than your usual old mate, & this woman isn't afraid to show her actual personality through technology we call social media. So, now I will officially introduce:


This chosen name holds significance for me and I stand on it as it backs my life motto of "why do one thing with your life when you can do all the things you've ever dreamed of doing... Because you CAN!". 

Jemimah (my name) means dove, and Ana (My Mums name) means grace. I thank God my parents named me that - I'm proud of what it represents - as it has definitely helped shape who I am and who I am to become as I grow. So hence why I have named this unknown/risky/anything could happen business venture after just that - Jemimah Ana. Doves are cool, and what better way to live life then live saved by Grace.

I currently have about six big dreams, all of which coincide with each other to some degree. I fully intend for this number to double or triple as I believe the more dreams we have in our heart, the fuller our life is. If you haven't got the picture yet, I am quite the ambitious woman. LOL. I want to be known as one who always took risks...

I am fiercely passionate about photography, home/interior decor & design, fashion styling, and the cafe industry. Those six big dreams all fall under one or more of those categories.

Some days I have little nervous spells of "Oh how will all of these things come to life", & to be honest I'm glad I do, because it screams "I cannot do this on my own, I need HELP!". There is hope in knowing you cannot do these things alone. The beautiful thing about time is that it reveals what is required at the ripe moments in your life.

So, this is a blog... A blog that teaches, that motivates, and gives direction to others wanting simplistic, basic inspiration on PHOTOGRAPHY, FASHION STYLING, HOME/INTERIOR STYLING, CAFE LIVING AND ALL THINGS BUSINESS VENTURES. Here is to 23 years thus far of living, learning and growing. Some of what I have learnt, and come to LOVE with a burning passion in my bones. 

My posts will come once every 7 or so days... I am all in for this, love it or leave it. I've learnt you cannot impress everyone, and you must not EVER hold back on pursuing your dreams because you think people won't like it. I did for years. And I wish I didn't. I genuinely hope I am able to see people step into their dreams and passions because they have stumbled upon a Jemimah Ana post, as my gifts are not for me, but for others, so here goes.

Peace out hombres